dArt - DeviantArt Browser

by Ambient Design Ltd.


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DeviantArt is the largest online social network for artist and art enthusiasts, where its user can exhibit, promote and share their works with an art-centric community.With dArt (a DeviantArt Browser for Android), you can navigate through the content in DeviantArt using your phone or tablet, browsing endless content from different categories such as painting, drawing, photography, etc.
- Explore: Discover and inspire yourself with extraordinary images drawn from an endless art collection. Browse between Undiscovered, Hot and Daily Deviations.
- Browse: The newest and popular images are in this section.
- Smart Search: Filter by categories while searching in multiple sections to find the perfect image.
- Login: You can login using your DeviantArt account to see your gallery, favourites and the artists you are watching.
- Profiles: Navigate between your favourite artists profiles and watch their galleries and favourites deviations.
- Favourites: Check the deviations you like the most to see them in your favourites section.
- Comments: See the comments of other users in any deviation and tell the world what you think of those deviations.
- Save: Save the images to your external memory, so you can set them as wallpapers.
- Share: Send that piece of art you love to any of your friends to share yor passion for art.
- More like this: Did you find a lovely image? You found a lot more! In each deviation, you can find similar images.